PITTSFIELD, MASS.–The Pursuit of Porcelain, an installation of ceramic sculpture, photography, and works on paper, arranged as they would be in a European eighteenth-century porcelain room, filled with figurines, plates, and objects, is on view now through July 24 at the Ferrin Gallery. Sculptor Chris Antemann conceived the installation, which includes her own sculpture and photography and interpretations of the concept by other invited artists who share her passion for porcelain and its history.
Using plates, drawings, painting, and photography, Chris Antemann, Molly Hatch, Sergei Isupov, Mara Superior, and Jason Walker created composed installations to present their sculpture on four-by-eight-foot painted panels.
Portrait photographer Bill Wright exhibits a series of individual and group portraits featuring nine artists participating in the exhibition, staging the shoots in a formal New York City dining room to evoke a Victorian era family portrait. Other photography and video projects include Barnaby Barford’s imagery inspired by the concepts of collecting porcelain; Sean Capone’s interpretation of embellishment and decoration; and Lucy Feller’s concept of female beauty. Kendrick Moholt offers large-format photography drawn from details of Chris Antemann’s figural sculpture.
Molly Hatch, Giselle Hicks, Frances Palmer, Klein Reid Porcelain, and Gwendolyn Yoppolo present design, studio pottery, and tableware in porcelain.
The complete list of participating artists includes Chris Antemann, porcelain sculpture and photography; Christa Assad, porcelain sculptural objects; Barnaby Barford, video; Sean Capone, video; Lucy Feller, photography; Molly Hatch, porcelain flasks in frames; Sergei Isupov, porcelain figures and portrait plates; Garth Johson, porcleain teapots and plates made in China; James Klein and David Reid, porcelain vases and tableware; Steve Lee, porcelain vases; Frances Palmer, porcelain tableware; Kelly Garrett Rathbone, porcelain; Vipoo Srivlasa, porcelain sculptural objects made in China; Mara Superior, porcelain objects; Jason Walker, porcelain sculpture, tiles, and plates; Kurt Weiser, porcelain objects; Red Weldon Sandlin, porcelain and works on paper; Bill Wright, portrait photography; and Gwendolyn Yoppolo, porcelain objects and tableware.
The Ferrin Gallery is at 437 North St., Pittsfield. For more information, call 413.446.0614 or visit www.ferringallery.com.